Ohmsett's above-ground concrete test tank is one of the largest in North America, measuring 203 meters long by 20 meters wide by 2.4 meters deep and filled with 10 million liters of saltwater. The wave generator creates variety of sea states, while modern data collection and video systems record real-time test results. Our facility has proven to be ideal for testing full-scale equipment, evaluating acquisition options, and validating research findings.
Government agencies, academia, and public and private companies use Ohmsett as a research center to test oil spill containment/clean-up equipment and techniques, to test new designs in response equipment, to conduct training with actual oil spill response technologies, and to explore the capabilities of wave energy devices in a near-real-world open ocean environment.
Features & Capabilities
- Main bridge capable of towing test equipment at speeds up to 6 knots
- Two additional bridges can be set to specific distances from the main bridge and used as instrumentation and ancillary equipment platforms
- Wide range of data collection capabilities including above- and below-water video
- Oil distribution and recovery system for a broad range of oils, including heavy, viscous oil and emulsions
- Filtration and oil/water separator system
- Water treatment system to maintain water clarity
- Electrolytic chlorinator to control biological activity
- Permanent and mobile storage tanks that can hold over 227,000 liters of test fluids
- Staging and shop area for special fabrication
- On-site testing laboratory for oil- and water-specific measurement capabilities
- Large and small forklifts, front-end loader, and skid steer
- Meeting/Conference room spaces and supporting facilities
- Blending tanks to produce weathered oils and custom oil/water emulsions
- Test protocol development
- Pre-production plastic pellet (nurdle) and other plastic materials handling
- Custom testing for new and unique technologies